Od początków jego wdrażania program PHARE przeszedł głęboką ewolucję - od programu o charakterze pomocy humanitarnej (skoncentrowanej na drożnych dostawach pasz środków ochrony roślin czy produktów spożywczych) - do pomocy podporządkowanej potrzebom przygotowań do integracji z Unią Europejska (która obok wsparcia inwestycyjnego przewiduje praktyczną i finansową pomoc we wprowadzaniu niezbędnych reform ukierunkowanych na integrację z UE).
By virtue of the decisions taken at the Berlin summit, in addition to arrangements concerning structural funds, new financial instruments were introduced in the candidate countries starting in 2000 - referred to as preaccession instruments - SAPARD, ISPA. The priorities of the Phare programme were also changed, adjusting them to accession requirements. The purpose of the pre-accession instruments is to ensure faster and more effective support to the candidate states in their preparations for full membership in the European Union, in particular the participation in the cohesion policy of the European Union. As a result of the reorganisation, three components were created within the Phare programme: 1. institution building, which includes the financing of institution building projects, administration and staff strengthening, programming, monitoring and financial control skills. 2. investments promoting the achievement of EU standards in fields supported under institutional development programmes and payment of part of the contribution in respect of participation in Community programmes. 3. social and economic cohesion investments are aimed to reduce delays and inequalities in development level between regions, solve social problems, and those related to employment, and ensure fast development of business infrastructure.