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2014 | 23 | 4 |

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Utilization of post-production waste of potato pulp and buckwheat hulls in the form of pellets


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The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of potato pulp content (15, 20, and 25%) in a mixture with buckwheat hulls and the variable mass flow rate of the mixture (50, 75, and 100 kg·h-1) on the following parameters: the density and kinetic durability of the obtained pellets, their heat of combustion, calorific value, and water activity. Increasing the pulp content in a mixture with buckwheat hulls from 15 to 25% and increasing the mass flow rate of the flow of the mixture from 50 to 100 kg·h-1 caused a reduction of the density and kinetic durability of the obtained pellets and a significant increase of the water activity and moisture content of the pellets. Increasing the pulp content in the mixture from 0 to 25% caused a slight reduction of the heat of combustion, from 19.44 to 19.09 MJ·kg-1, and calorific value (for dry matter of buckwheat hulls, and pellets from a mixture of buckwheat hulls and potato pulp).

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  • Department of Agricultural and Food Techniques, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bialystok University of Technology, Wiejska 45C, 15-351 Bialystok, Poland


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