Phytophthora cinnamomi izolowano z 7/9 roślin z objawami chorobowymi jak również z podłoża. Dodatkowo na zainfekowanych korzeniach roślin stwierdzono Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium culmorum i F. solani. P. cinnamomi kolonizował korzenie, fragmenty łodyg i liście 2 odmian mulenbekii. Nekroza rozwijała się ok. 4,5 mm·24 godz.⁻¹ na liściach, 1,2 mm·24 godz.⁻¹ na łodygach i 1,7 mm·24 godz.⁻¹ na korzeniach. Izolaty P. cinnamomi z 5 różnych roślin żywicielskich kolonizowały tkanki mulenbekii przy czym najszybszy rozwój nekrozy stwierdzono na fragmentach łodyg zainokulowanych izolatami z lawendy i różanecznika.
Yellowing of leaves and poor rooting of Muehlenbeckia cuttings was observed in a greenhouse wuth production of young plants. On older plants the inhibition of growth, yellowing of leaves but especially browning and dying of toots were observed. Diseased parts of roots and substratum from pots of diseased plants were analysed for the presence of Phytophthora sp. and other species. P. cinnamomi was isolated from 7/9 of the tested plants and from substratum. Additionally Botiytis cinerea, Fiisarium culmorum and F. solani were noticed on rotted roots. Inoculation of roots, stem parts and leaves of 2 Muehlenbeckia cultivars resulted in their colonization by P. cinnamomi. Nccroses spread for about 4.5 mm on leaves, 1.2 mm on stem parts and 1.7 mm·24 godz.⁻¹ on roots. Five isolates of P. cinnamomi from different host plants colonized Muehlenbeckia tissues but the quickest necroses spread was observed on the stem parts inoculated with isolates from Lavendula angustifolia and Rhododendron sp.