The aim of the studies on epiphytic mycoflore was to compare the number and species composition of filamentous fungi of two root plants: Solanum tuberosum L. and Beta vulgaris ssp. esculenta L. cultivated on three places in two successive vegetative periods. Analysing the experiments results we can find that the quantity of filamentous fungi on Solanum tuberosum L. phylloplane is more numerous than on Beta vulgaris ssp. esculenta L. and does not depend strictly on the reserch place nor the vegetative period. (Tab. 1, 2) The older plants were more colonised than the young ones. Concluding: the ubiquitous species of fungi were found to be dominant group of all isolated epiphytic mycoflore associations (Tab. 3, 4). The differentiation of isolated fungal associations depends respectively on: environmental conditions, plant species and least on plant stage (Fig. 1).