The study was carried out in the years 2013 and 2014 at the Łagiewniki farm to determine the effect of some herbicides on the yield and development of two opium poppy cultivars: ‘Lazur’ – with high morphine content, and ‘Borowski Biały’ – with low morphine content. The development and yield of the poppy was a derivative of environmental and agronomic conditions. The mixture of tembotrione and fluroxypyr applied post-emergence at a rate of 88 and 75 g a.i. · ha−1, respectively, effectively controlled most weeds which are harmful for the poppy and did not phytotoxically affect opium poppy plants. The level of yield also depended on the cultivar’s ability to grow under unfavourable weather conditions. A lower yield was noted for the cultivar with a lower content of morphine – ‘Borowski Biały’.