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1988 | 34 | 4-6 |

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Nowe zagadnienia z zakresu kliniki włośnicy


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New problems of the clinic of trichinellosis

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Selected clinical problems have been discussed in the light of new data on pathogenesis. This has been illustrated by own observations in trichinellosis patients. Value of nail fald capillaroscopy in estimation of spread and intensity of capillary lesions in trichinellosis has been discussed. Changes in eosinophilia have been presented in patients treated with anthelmintics or corticosteroids at the acute stage of symptoms (3rd week). Pathophysiology of gastrointestinal phase of invasion has been discussed and pathomorphology of small intestine biopsies has been presented as observed in trichinellosis patients with diarrhoea. Attention has been drawn to atypical course of trichinellosis, noted with increasing frequency, particularly in persons infected with sylvatic strain of Trichinella spiralis. It is worth stressing that in patients exhibiting an atypical, clinical pattern of trfchinellosis accompanied by low blood eosinophilia, treatment with anthelmintics and corticosteroids is started as a rule with a delay, thus promoting a very intense Trichinella invasion and unfavourable outcome.








Opis fizyczny



  • Klinika Chorób Pasożytniczych i Tropikalnych, Akademia Medyczna w Poznaniu, Poznań


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