In the present study, we investigated the effects of pH treatments on NaCl tolerance in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal American elm. American elm (Ulmus americana) seedlings were inoculated with Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Laccaria bicolor or with both mycorrhizal fungi and subsequently subjected to different pH solutions (pH 3, 6 and 9) containing 0 mM(control) and 60 mMNaCl for 4 weeks. Inoculation with the mycorrhizal fungi did not have a large effect on seedling dry weights when the pH and NaCl treatments were considered independently. However, when the inoculated seedlings were treated with 60 mM NaCl at pH 3 or 6, shoot to root ratios and root hydraulic conductivity were higher compared with non-inoculated plants, likely reflecting changes in seedling water flow properties. At pH 6, transpiration rates were about twofold lower in non-inoculated plants treated with NaCl compared with non-treated controls. For NaCl-treated H. crustuliniforme-and L. bicolor-inoculated plants, the greatest reduction of transpiration rates was at pH 9. Treatment with 60 mM NaCl reduced leaf chlorophyll concentrations more in non-inoculated compared with inoculated plants, with the greatest, twofold, decrease occurring at pH 6. At pH 3, root Na concentrations were higher in inoculated than noninoculated seedlings; however, there was no effect of inoculation on root Na concentrations at pH 6 and 9. Contrary to the roots, the leaves of inoculated plants had lower Na concentrations at pH 6 and 9, but not at pH 3. The results point to an interaction between ECM fungi and root zone pH for salt tolerance of American elm.