W artykule dokonano przeglądu walorów szaty roślinnej i walorów kulturowych lasów Trzebiesławskich Wzgórz. Są to triasowe wzniesienia związane z dawną eksploatacją rud cynku i ołowiu, zalegających w dolomitach kruszconośnych. Śladami po górniczej działalności są liczne warpie – pozostałości po wyrobiskach i szybach odkrywkowych. Pierwotnie Wzgórza porastały naturalne lasy bukowe, które uległy zniszczeniu w wyniku działalności gospodarczej człowieka. Na drodze sukcesji roślinność powróciła do stanu zbliżonego do naturalnego. Najcenniejszym zbiorowiskiem leśnym, zajmującym tu duże powierzchnie, jest rzadka na Wyżynie Śląskiej ciepłolubna buczyna storczykowa. Osobliwością Wzgórz jest także bogata flora naczyniowa, obfitująca w cenne i chronione gatunki. Postuluje się wprowadzenie na tym terenie obszarowej formy ochrony przyrody
Trzebiesławskie (Wzgórza) Hills are situated within the city of Dąbrowa Górnicza, between two agricultural districts – Ujejsce and Trzebiesławice. These hills are part of Tarnogórski (Garb) Hump – one of the mesoregions in the northern part of the Silesian Upland. Because of the presence of ore-bearing dolomite containing zinc and lead ores in the geological structure, extraction by open-cast mining was carried out in this area in the past centuries. The complete history of mining in the area of Trzebiesławice and Ujejsce is difficult to reconstruct, because only little archival material has survived. The mining activity was probably conducted from the early Middle Ages to the end of the 17th or 18th century. Characteristic hollows left after ore extraction – called warpie – are the traces of the past open-cast mining. They are covered with remains of the natural deciduous forests transformed to varying extent. Some well-developed beech phytocoenoses were described as a valuable association of Carici-Fagetum convallarietosum. These are some of the largest and best preserved patches of this association in the Silesian Upland. Trzebiesławskie Hills are distinguished by a rich and interesting vascular flora, including nearly 300 species. Protected species constitute a large group of 31 species, including 23 strictly protected. There are also taxa rare to the region and to the country, although not legally protected. Euphorbia epithymoides L. is a floristic peculiarity occurring very frequently in the Trzebiesławskie Hills. One of the other particularly important species is Dictamnus albus L. Both species reach the northern limit of their range in Poland. The population of Euphorbia epithymoides is very large within the hills and it seems that it is not endangered. On the other hand, the Dictamnus albus population is currently very scarce and threatened with extinction. Despite numerous suggestions, so far no form of nature area conservation has been established. The current protection, however, includes two magnificent beech trees at the foothills of Bukowa Góra (Mt). In the Trzebiesławskie Hills area, regardless of the natural environment (species richness, floristic peculiarities, valuable plant communities and natural environment), also warpie have to be protected as historic and cultural objects. A proposal has been put forward to create a nature - landscape protected complex in order to protect natural, scenic, aesthetic, cultural and historical values