Podjęto problem dostosowania się drobnych gospodarstw rolnych w Małopolsce do nowych warunków ekonomicznych. Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych w gospodarstwach rolnych na terenie gminy Korzenna, autorzy formułują wnioski ukazujące opinie i postawy rolników w sprawach związanych z procesem integracyjnym.
The paper discusses a problem of small farms adaptation to new economic conditions. On the basis of the studies carried out among 80 random chosen farms in the community of Korzenna, the authors formulate conclusions presenting opinions and attitudes of farmers in the matters connected with the integration process. Due to scarce and often contradicting information reaching the inhabitants of rural Poland, integration with the European Union is seen by majority of respondents as a threat to their farms and families. Over a half of the total number of respondents have not yet encountered any true information on European Union and the chances of Polish agriculture. The main source of information farmers most often refer to is television. It is therefore this medium that should be primarily used in the information campaign addressed to rural population.