The state of the economy and of everyday life in rural areas of Poland has been ore of the most important issues through the process of transformation to a market economy. Agriculture in Poland needs radical modernizing in connection with egression <f labour, an increased area of farms, changes in those branches of industry that an involved in providing the means of production for agriculture and enterprises related t> food processing, an increased range of activities, adjustment of the profile and structuc of production to market needs and an improvement in technologies (Kołodziejczyk, 1995). According to the context, social policies seem to play the most significant role ii this complex situation. The demographic situation is also a factor of great importanct, in that it influences employment policy, educational options and the construction sectoi
In line with the above, the purpose of this paper has been to analyse the latest trencs to demographic change in the rural areas of Pomerania Province, while giving speciil consideration to the reconstruction process launched at the end of the 1980s. Thes changes are assessed against a background of evolving demographic structures, whie the observed facts are associated with the natural and wandering migrations of peope recorded between 1982 and 2000.
According to the research, observable (unfavourable) demographic trends induce impediments to the process whereby the population in rural areas might increas;decreasing fertility and demographic dynamics, and finally the problem of ageing rural communities. The present situation is the result of demographic depression on the hand, and of factors not related to demography on the other. The difficult situation on the labour market in Pomerania, a stagnant condition of the construction sector, and the pauperisation of society are seen to be the main impediments to progress.