The reserve mobilization was analysed in germinating seeds of faba bean (Vicia faba) exposed to treatment with a toxic cadmium concentration for 4 days. When the behaviours of three cultivars were compared with regard to the germination rate, the following order of sensitivity to cadmium was observed: Aguadulce and Luz de otoño showed 59 and 19% of inhibition from controls, respectively, while no effect was observed in the case of the local Féverole. The growth of embryo radicle was also affected in the same pattern. The differential vulnerability to Cd stress cannot be correlated to shortage in water supply of cotyledons. However, Cd-treated germinating seeds of the most sensitive cultivar (Aguadulce) showed restriction in starch mobilization and decrease in availability of soluble sugars and free amino acids. Moreover, glucose, fructose and amino acids were markedly leaked into the germination medium at the expense of the growing embryonic axis during exposure to Cd. These results provide an indication of the way in which cadmium might impair seed germination.