The article presents problems connected with the biodiversity of soil microorganisms occurring on selected protected areas. Based on the literature, authors attempt to explain the concept of biodiversity, the role of soil in the natural environment and the importance of soil microorganisms. The article also presents selected anthropogenic factors that influence microorganisms found in soils under different forms of protection. The large species diversity of soil microorganisms is closely related to their functions in the soil. Soil microorganisms participate in all processes occurring in the soil. They influence humus formation, increase soil fertility, provide plants with nutrients by decomposing organic matter and fight pathogens. The special attention focused on the broad concept of biological diversity as a form of preservation possibly the greatest richness of life on Earth. Ecological conditions prevailing in the different ecosystems affect the modification of the environment and force adaptation of organisms (including microorganisms) into the habitat. To preserve the diversity of the microorganisms, it is important to protect their habitat – the soil. Intolerance to certain environmental conditions and competition between microorganisms causes abnormal functioning of ecosystems and significant depletion of biodiversity. However, the main cause of the microorganisms biodiversity loss is the human pressure on the natural environment. Human activity causes the extinction of many species of plants and animals and has a negative impact on the soil environment. This in turn affects the functioning, abundance and biodiversity of soil microorganisms. In areas with significant natural values such as forests and protected areas (national parks) biodiversity of microorganisms is maintained at a much higher level than in the case of productive soils. The environmental protection leads to the equilibrium in the natural systems and its biotic and abiotic components, including biodiversity. Therefore, the need to create places of special protection such as national parks, nature reserves, landscape parks, etc. is very much justified.