A content of few chemical elements - K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al, and Fe was estimated in four subsoils: bare soil and grass-covered soil from a side-space of roads with heavy traffic, garden soil and washed, calcinated sand (pure sand). A content of these elements was also assigned in seedlings air dry matter of soyabean, winter wheat, cucumber, buckwheat and white charlock raised on above mentioned subsoils. The grass-covered soil from a side-space of roads contained more Ca, Mg, Al, and Fe while garden soil K and Na than others subsoils examined. The plant seedlings raised on the both road side-space soils contained significantly more Na while ones raised on garden soil K. The tendency to the greater accumulate of K, Mg on garden soil, and Na, Cl on soils from side-space of roads was caused by the higher content of these elements in subsoils.