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2018 | 162 | 12 |

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Nicienie entomopatogenne w lasach i szkółkach leśnych

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Entomopathogenic nematodes in the soil of forests and nurseries

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There are many serious pests in forest nurseries, which can be killed by entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) applied to soil. The paper presents a method of biological control, which is appropriate for destroying harmful insects, and is an alternative to chemicals−based approach. Both, the rules and technical conditions concerning the application of biological preparations for insects control are discussed. Facing the problem of excessive chemicalization, especially in the forest nurseries, the authors, in accordance with EU Directives, reviewed the opportunities for biological methods of forest crops protection against seven of the most harmful species of insects. Selection of EPNs for control of a particular pest insect is based on several factors that include the nematode’s host range, host finding or foraging strategy, tolerance of environmental factors and their effects on survival and efficacy (temperature, moisture, soil type, exposure to ultraviolet light, salinity). The most critical factors are moisture, temperature, pathogenicity for the targeted insect, and foraging strategy. Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Control of Insect Pests from the genera Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae cooperating with mutualistic bacteria were described accurately in this paper. They are capable of killing a broad range of insects. Applied to the soil, they can persist long in the environment and moreover they improve the soil quality. However, along with all the benefits, disadvantages of presented method were also discussed. Namely the abiotic conditions, technique, and limitations of their effectiveness. We presented a list of commercially produced EPNs, which are currently in use in Poland. We also reviewed the World’s literature on the successful use of EPNs and discussed aspects of their commercialization. The wider use of biological preparations containing EPNs should be implemented in the near future.









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  • Katedra Bioenergetyki i Analizy Żywności, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, ul.Zelwerowicza 4, 35-601 Rzeszów


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