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2017 | 33 | 3 |

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Asymmetry and allocation of disposable income of rural and urban households in Poland in 2006-2015

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Diverse living conditions of people in rural and urban areas may result from differences in thelevel of their income and consumption of goods and services. Monitoring of living conditions in households is aimed at planning actions for decreasing the gap between rural and urban households. The aim of this paper is the analysis of asymmetry and allocation of disposable income in rural and urban household in Poland in 2006-2015. Within the area of interest, assessment of changes in structure of consumption is also included. The subject of research were income and expenditure of selected categories of households. The time frame for research is the period between 2006 and 2015. Analyzed issues were discerned using secondary empirical data. In years 2006-2015 disproportions of income and structure of consumption between analyzed households decreased. Dynamics of increase of income in rural households was relatively higher in comparison to urban households. Relatively high increase in share of non-agricultural sources of income (particularly contract work) of rural households was accompanied by decrease of share of income from their main source of subsistence. Despite being similar in nature, observed changes in structure of consumption of rural and urban households differed in scale and pace of occurrence.

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  • Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Bialystok, Warszawska 63, 15-062 Bialystok, Poland
  • Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Bialystok, Warszawska 63, 15-062 Bialystok, Poland


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