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The subgenus pullus of scymnus from China (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Part II: The impexus group

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The species of the impexus-group within the subgenus Scymnus (Pullus) Mulsant occurring in China arte revised. Seventy-nine species are treated in this paper, among those 54 are described as new to science: Scymnus (Pullus) cuspidiger, S. (P.) sphenophyllus, S. (P.) yarangicus, S. (P.) pailongensis, S. (P.) multisetosus, S. (P.) dongjiuensis, S. (P.) yanlingicus, S. (P.) xujiabensis, S. (P.) mengshanus, S. (P.) liupanshanus, S. (P.) prolatus, S. (P.) spirellus, S. (P.) corallinus, S. (P.) pingbianensis, S. (P.) conoidalis, S. (P.) erythriniis, S. (P.) igneus, S. (P.) apophysatus, S. (P.) rufostriatus, S. (P.) lebuensis, S. (P.) seminiger, S. (P.) eminulus, S. (P.) quadratimaculatus, S. (P.) longicuspis, S. (P.) chelyo- spilicus, S. (P.) oculoformis, S. (P.) acerosus, S. (P.) dimidius, S. (P.)paraccamptus, S. (P.) paraexilis, S. (P.) yarlungzangbo, S. (P.) chayuensis, S. (P.) dipetalus, S. (P.) ensatus, S. (P.) leptophyllus, S. (P.) nielamuensis, S. (P.) ventricosus, S. (P.) rhinoides, S. (P.) maoershanensis, S. (P.) cibagouensis, S. (P.) ezhanus, S. (P.) jingdongensis, S. (P.) cyclotus, S. (P.) menglensis, S. (P.) rectangidus, S. (P.) bawanglingicus, S. (P.) rectiusculus, S. (P.) yaoquensis, S. (P.) barbatus, S. (P.) hanmianus, S. (P.) ciliosus, S. (P.) motuoensis, S. (P.) truncatus, S. (P.) linz- hianus, spp. nov. Four species, S. (P.) martensi Canepari, 1997, S. (P.) janetscheki Bielawski, 1971, S. (P.) longisiphonatus Hoàng, 1982 andS. (P.) fruticis Canepari, 1997, are recorded from China for the first time. Keys, diagnoses, detailed descrip tions, illustrations and distributions are provided for each species.

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  • Engineering Research Center of Biological Control, Ministry of Education, College of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
  • Engineering Research Center of Biological Control, Ministry of Education, College of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
  • Engineering Research Center of Biological Control, Ministry of Education, College of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
  • Societa Entomologica Italiana Via Venezia 1, San Donato Milanese, Italy
  • Engineering Research Center of Biological Control, Ministry of Education, College of Agriculture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China


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