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2013 | 70 |

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Differences among Juniperus excelsa populations as revealed at morphological traits

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The comparison of phenotypic trait differentiation and genetic differentiation at selectively neutral genetic markers can indicate divergent selection on traits. Phenotypic trait differentiation (PST) andtwo multivariate analysis methods were used to determine the level of differentiation and relationships among seven Juniperus excelsa populations basedon 13 morphological characters of their cones, seeds, juvenile seedlings and 1+0 year old seedlings. Significant differences among populations were found for all morphological characters (P<0.001) apart from cotyledon length using ANOVA. According to Penrose and Squared Euclidean distances, the southeastern populations Bucak-Kestel and Gölhisar-Gölhisar (0.970; 12.374) were most similar. Aksu-Sorgun andE ðirdir-Barla populations, separated by a mountain range, were the most different populations (4.647; 47.157). Evaluatedas a whole, both multivariate analysis methods gave similar results. Phenotypic trait differentiation (PST) for 1+0 year oldseed lings that were grown in a common environment was similar in magnitude for the majority of traits as genetic differentiation at nuclear microsatellite markers (FST) suggesting the absence of divergent selection on these traits.

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  • Bartýn University, Engineering Faculty, 74100, Bartýn, Turkey
  • Michigan Technological University, School of Forest Resources andEnvironmental Science, Michigan, 49931, USA


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