The article presents formed among Polish urban planners viewpoints on the role of public participation in planning by analyzing the period from 1981 to the present (2015). The article draws special attention to the concepts developed in this period in the country, although it is clear that the sources of social participation in planning must look beyond the Polish borders. Analyzed in the article the views of Polish urban planners on public participation in the planning capture it much further than the recognition of participation in the laws on spatial planning. Statutory forms of participation, information and consultation by urban planners enriched with many elements closely related to their workshop planning and scheduling methods. Social effects of interest residents in the planning process are not generally taken into account by urban planners, but social barriers occurring in the planning process because not reckon with the interests and opinions of residents, urban planners and carefully examine multilaterally. In another article will be presented views on public participation in planning by Polish town planners who, based on their long experience in urban planning in France and Germany, are looking at public participation in urban planning from the perspective of model planning and development planning adopted in those countries.