Przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu wilgotności (zawartości wody) na ciepło właściwe buraka ćwikłowego. Ciepło właściwe opisano równaniami funkcji wykładniczej.
Specific heat of red beet in the range of temperatures from 40 to 103°C as well as moisture content from 0.2 to 84% (2.004-10⁻³ - 5.25 kg water/kg d.m.) were tested using the method of Differential Scanning Calorimetry. At a given temperature and depending on water content the course of specific heat was found to be in accordance with exponential function. The influence of moisture or water content on specific heat of red beet has been described with empirical equations. High compatibility was found between the specific heat values determined experimentally and those calculated by the equation.
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