Two field experiments were conducted. In one factorial experiment winter triticale (cultivar Grenado) was growing in cereal monoculture and crop rotation: potato+ – oats – winter triticale. In two factorial experiment the effectiveness of regenerative practices in monoculture was assessed. For microbiological stimulation, effective microorganisms were used three times, while for enhancement of biological soil activity, stubble crop to be ploughed down was grown and stubble field was sprayed with soil conditioner UGmax or Eko-Użyźniacz. Infection of winter triticale by take-all diseases in triticale monoculture was significantly higher than in three field rotation. In monoculture crop spraying with effective microorganisms significantly increased infection of roots and culm bases. Microbiological stimulation of soil did not significantly affect the infection degree of examined plant parts by take-all diseases.