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An atypical Silurian myodocope ostracod from the Armorican Massif, France


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A new myodocope ostracod Sineruga insolita gen. et sp. nov. is herein described from the Armorican Massif (France). Sineruga resembles Silurian myodocopes (i.e., bolbozoids and cypridinids) in having anterior features (thinner carapace) possibly related to vision. On the other hand, it resembles entomozoid ostracods in having a bean−shaped outline along with a deep adductorial sulcus and a simple muscle spot, but lacks their characteristic ribbed ornament. The data available suggest that Sineruga insolita was probably an atypical, non−ribbed member of the entomozoids thus indicating that early entomozoids may have had smooth representatives. Comparisons with other Recent and fossils ostracods show that the presence of a rostrum and/or symmetrical vision related carapace features (i.e., indicating lateral eyes) can be used as diagnostic characters for myodocope ostracods. The position and shape of the dorsal connection and to a lesser extent that of the sulcus and the adductorial muscle scar can be used to discriminate the higher groups of Silurian myodocopes (bolbozoids, cypridinids, and entomozoids).








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  • Department of Geology, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Ravila 14A, 50411 Tartu, Estonia


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