Subterranean herbivores affect the plant community by plant consumption and burrowing activities. However, diet selection of subterranean herbivores has not been studied in detail in complex natural fields, mainly for lack of an accurate method to determine diet species, frequency, and biomass. Plateau zokors' (Eospalax baileyi) caching habit for the long inclement winter makes it possible to solve this problem. We studied the diet composition and biomass in caches and vicinity of plateau zokors' burrow systems. We found that plateau zokors are dietary generalist but show a significant selection among the available food items, plant parts, functional groups, organ types, and habitats. These results suggested that plateau zokors strictly selected their diet and were able to adjust their foraging strategy according to the different conditions of food abundance and quality. Plateau zokors' selective foraging can directly reduce the proportion of toxicity forbs; plateau zokors can be recognized as an important element to influence the alpine meadow plant community and cattle husbandry.