Podstawowym celem badań było znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie: jak kształtuje się sytuacja dochodowa gospodarstw w zależności od skali prodACukcji trzody chlewnej. Przeprowadzone badania pozwalają stwierdzić, że dopiero w gospodarstwach o największej liczbie macior widać wyraźnie korzyści skali.
The analysis of the income situation offarms make it possible to state, that only in the farms of the highest scale of cattle production (on average 45 sows) clear advantages of the scale can be seen. Farms of average and small scale of production obtain lower incomes, however the most disadvantageous situation appears in farms keeping 10-20 sows. The income situation of a farm directed on cattle raising depends mainly on intense character of production. Comparing the direct costs per 1 hectare UR, the level of intense character ofproduction on a II group farm is from 75 % up to 100 % higher than in I group. The differences can be seen more clearly in the level of the intense character of production taking in comparison into consideration fodders from purchase