Оценивали влияние применения биотина в течение 4—5 недель у производственных лисиц (серебристо-черных, песцов), а также в воспалительных состояниях кожи у собак. Лисицы получали биотин (преп. Вiotyna аd usu vet. и преп. Rovimix Н) в 3 подопытных группах: беременные самки, лисицы после отъема и в период перемены волосяного покрова. Оценивали параметры: выращивае- мость, податливость к инфекциям и отравлениям, привесы, качество и длину шкур сравнивали с соответствующими контрольными группами. Отметили, что биотин положительно влияет на здоровье, кондицию, аппетит и привесы. Шкуры подопытных лисиц отличались лучшим качеством и большей длиной. Биотин, прменяемый у собак, давал особенно хорошие эффекты в случаях себоррейного воспаления кожи и болезненных изменениях кожи на фоне одностеронной высокобелковой диеты.
The effect of biotin administered in breeding foxes — polar and silvery ones — and its use in case of dermatitis of dogs was assessed. The drug Biotyna ad usum vet. and Rovimix H were given pregnant females (group I) foxes after weaning (group II), and in the period of fur coat change (group III). The following parameters were taken into consideration: the number of animals living up to weaning, liability to infection and poisonings, weight gains, and the lengt and quality of furs. It was found that biotin influenced profitably the state of health, vitality and liveliness. The furs of the foxes characterized by better quality and lengt of fur. Biotin administered in dogs resulted in good effects particularly in case of seborrhoea dermatitis and in the course of skin diseases due to high proteinic diet.The effect of biotin administered in breeding foxes — polar and silvery ones — and its use in case of dermatitis of dogs was assessed. The drug Biotyna ad usum vet. and Rovimix H were given pregnant females (group I) foxes after weaning (group II), and in the period of fur coat change (group III). The following parameters were taken into consideration: the number of animals living up to weaning, liability to infection and poisonings, weight gains, and the lengt and quality of furs. It was found that biotin influenced profitably the state of health, vitality and liveliness. The furs of the foxes characterized by better quality and lengt of fur. Biotin administered in dogs resulted in good effects particularly in case of seborrhoea dermatitis and in the course of skin diseases due to high proteinic diet.