Due to many-years' regress of major types of small game species (hares, pheasants, and partridges), various initiatives aimed at stopping this negative trend have been undertaken. One of these actions consists in a closed breeding of particular animal species and their subsequent stocking into natural habitats. The publication presents the dynamics of pheasants’ population within 5 years in terms of hunting management of the discussed species in mesoregions of the Lublin Upland. Quite significant differences in the number, and therefore, in the local densities of species, was recorded in each mesoregion during the assessment period. Annual stocking of pheasants originating from pen-raising on the level of 25-30% of the spring flock size, along with the sustainable hunting, determined the relative stability of the population. At the same time, the presented results confirm that the effectiveness of pheasants’ stocking based on the birds from close breeding systems is satisfactory, and that bred material should be assessed as good. It is supported by the calculated rate of population balance and fluctuating trend of population with a slight increase in the flock size.