Artykuł stanowi próbę przedstawienia znaczenia analizy finansowej w działalności jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Wykorzystanie tej metody badawczej oraz odpowiednich wskaźników przyczynia się do bardziej efektywnego wykorzystania uzyskiwanych dochodów, poprawy wiarygodności partnerskiej i kredytowej oraz zapewnienia krótko- i długookresowej płynności finansowej. Prowadzi to w efekcie do racjonalizacji we wszystkich aspektach działań służących zachowaniu swojej pozycji i dalszego rozwoju organizacji.
Perform of budget should be supported by different activities aimed at improving the effectiveness of public means management, which as various types of incomes are allocated or financing the activities of these organizational units. Financial analysis of budgets should be considered one of more important instruments aimed at identification and estimation of a number of financial processes and phenomena occurring in local self-government units. It should support decision making process and in result lead to reduce the number of wrong decisions facilitating the response to occurring changes. The analysis of municipalities financial independence, which means full control over possibilities and directions of creating and generating independent incomes, is an important aspect of municipality activities assessment. The studied have demonstrated considerable limitations concerning the local self-government units decisions about their own income allocation. This is due to the fact that a great number of duties and competencies were passed over by the organs of state administration but at the same time the means for their financing were reduced.