The malacocoenosis of rich Carpathian beech forest Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum of the Magura National Park includes 26 species. The most abundant species in quantitative samples was Carychium tridentatum (Risso), in qualitative samples – Macrogastra latestriata (A. Schmidt). The mean density was 86 indiv. m–2. Dominant species were C. tridentatum, Aegopinella pura (Alder) and Vitrea crystallina (O. F. Müller). The species diversity index H’ (2.2) and the Pielou index J (30%) were low. The community included mostly typical forestdwellers. Biogeographically, montane, C. European (lowland and highland), and European components dominated. In its structure the malacocoenosis was much similar to that of the Carpathian beech forest of the Pieniny National Park. Shell parameters in the population of Macrogastra latestriata differed from those found in the Beskid Zachodni and were close to those from the Eastern Carpathian foothills.