W krajach o gospodarce rynkowej powszechne jest opracowywanie w skali lokalnej nie tylko planów przestrzennych i finansowych, ale także społeczno-gospodarczych. Po pierwszym okresie niechęci samorządów terytorialnych do planowania coraz więcej gmin w Polsce opracowuje strategie i programy rozwoju. Metodyka programowania rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego gmin w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej nie jest jeszcze w pełni wypracowana. Na tle niektórych doświadczeń zagranicznych i krajowych w artykule przedstawiono propozycje dotyczące zakresu i procedury tworzenia programów rozwoju gmin.
After an early period of reluctance of local self-governments to plan, Poland now sees a large number of towns and rural communities which are developing development strategies and programmes, most of them within foreign assistance programmes. The methodology of socio-economic development is at the stage of preparation. The characteristics of the structure of the programmes are: the work of local groups with expert assistance the development of strategies as short- and long-term visions, and of specific economic projects an attempt to build consensus between different interest groups in order to define the development strategy. A weakness of most programmes is that gminas aim at exclusively endogenous development, as a result of lack of analysis on the broader economic circumstances (regional, national or European). Out of the whole of the work on the gmina development programme, 3 stages should be distinguished: 1) a prospective diagnosis, which grasps altogether the state of the natural and social environment, the economy and land use , and defines directions of change; 2) a development strategy, covering the objectives, directions and principles of long-term development; 3) an action programme, composed of economic projects, defining their goals and objectives (divided among participants), implementation instruments, ways of gaining funds and planned effects as well as means of achieving them. Both the diagnosis and the development strategy should be applied as the basis for other planning elaborations.