To investigate the occurrence of sarcocystosis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Ahvaz, the Khuzestan province, Iran, and to evaluate an ELISA for the diagnosis of sarcocystosis, serum and oesophagus samples were collected from the 300 water buffaloes, aged 0.5-7 years, and then slaughtered at the Ahvaz abattoir. The oesophagus samples were examined for sarcocysts under microscopic examination, using the digestion method. One hundred and seventy-one (57%) animals were found to be positive for Sarcocystis bradyzoites. One hundred and sixty-three (54.3%) serum samples were positive for sarcocystis antibodies in the ELISA. The prevalence of sarcocystosis was statistically age related, with significantly higher rates in adult buffaloes than young animals (P<0.05). The prevalence did not differ significantly in relation to the gender (P>0.05). The Mc Nemar test revealed a high correlation (94%) between the digestion method and ELISA. The ELISA, with the use of antigens from S. fusiformis bradyzoites, as presented in this study, can be adapted to detect antibodies to Sarcocystis sp., with an acceptable specificity and sensitivity.