The studies were carried out in the littoral zone of six lakes differing in trophic and biotic diversity. These were: L. Piaseczno - the mesotrophic lake with the well developed psammolittoral, L. Uściwierz - the slightly eutrophic lake with the psammolittoral and phytolittoral, the hypertrophic lake L. Głȩbokie Uścimowskie with the psammolittoral, L. Bikcze and L. Łukie - both the eutrophic lakes with phytolittoral, and the dystrophic L. Moszne - with peatbog phytolittoral. During the spring and the summer-autumn seasons in 1996-1997 the physical and chemical composition (temperature, electrolytic conductivity, O₂, pH, total water hardness, nitrogen compounds and phosphorus compounds) of water were investigated in the littoral zone in these lakes.