The distribution and the number of the T. spiralis larvae per 1 g of muscle were determined in rats experimentally infested at the rate of 200, 500 or fed meat containing the larvae. The examinations were also carried out on pigs fed 200, 1000 and 10 000 larvae. The intensity of larvae invasion and distribution depended on the dose used for infestation. The highest number of the larvae in rats and pigs infested with lower doses of T. spiralis was found in the tongue muscles, masseter, femur and diaphragm. In animals infested with medium-sized inocula (rats with 500 and pigs 1000 larvae) the highest number of the larvae was noted in the intercostal muscles, in the masseter in the transversal muscles of the abdomen, in the biceps muscle of the thingh and in the diaphragm. In pigs infested with 10 000 larvae and in rats fed infested meat the highest number of the T. spiralis larvae was found in the diaphragm. Numerous larvae were also noted in the tails and oesophagi of the animals under study.