Rozwiązywanie wielu problemów w ramach studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego może mieć różny zakres tematyczny i wnikliwość, zależnie od specyfiki gminy oraz doświadczeń i umiejętności zawodowych urbanisty. Refleksje i uwagi nie tylko warsztatowe - w świetle praktyki i założeń ustawy - autorzy przedstawiają na trzech kolejnych przykładach opracowań obejmujących: małe miasto portowo-turystyczne Darłowo, gminę rolniczo-turystyczną Potęgowo oraz miasto średniej wielkości Suwałki, położone na obszarze „zielonych płuc" Polski i - jak twierdzą niektórzy - także Europy.
Urban reflections present notices made by authors of articles, being the designers of "the study on pre-conditions and directions in spatial management" in accordance with the new act on spatial management. Authors analyses were based on experiences acquired on the three successive examples of a very differentiated subjects including: -small port and tourism town - Darłowo -rural community of big surface - Potegowo -town of middle size - Suwalki In the opinion of authors, some unfortunate and not explicit records in the act on spatial management could be the reason of misunderstandings in the range of record's intentions and meaning. The low level of consciousness in the scope of urban issues included in "the study" in some voivodeship clerks and in community boards, may cause conflicts and misunderstandings, too. The reason is also certainly relatively short period of duration of act's new rules and old customs. Repeatedly outlined expectations of community boards, formulated in tenders, substantially overcome frames and clear acting intentions of "the study". On the other side elastic frames of study allow to modify the range and the problems of study to community specificity. Authors relate subjects of given examples, defining their different peculiarities and pre-conditions, applied procedures and stages in labour as well as solutions of tasks. These relations let us investigate in characterization of planning subjects and they show how interesting can be different solutions. We can see here how much increase the consciousness in importance of study on preconditions and directions in spatial management which is the only one document in planning including whole community area. At very formal procedures of local plans of spatial management and their partial scope only the study allow to generally catch and define development abilities, considering different pre-conditions and chances resulting from the conditions of location, cultural, natural and tourist values. Even shortly presented some solutions give evidence that "the study" cannot be only the product in planning made by order accordingly with technical and economic criteria. But it must contain the creative element, deeply put in the contents of elaboration as well as knowledge, abilities and engagement of work co-creators.