The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the efficacy of Fluwarol for controling Varroa jacobsoni and its multimonth effect on the development of a honey bee colony and queen oviposition. The experiments were done on 6 bee colonies in 3 experimental groups. Two strips of Fluwarol (250 mg of fluvalinate each) were used to control varroasis. In group I the treatment lasted for 4 weeks, in group II it lasted for 6 months. Untreated bee colonies served as a control. During the first weeks of experimentation both in group I and II a great number of V. jacobsoni females dropped to the bottom of the hives, bees covered the strips were devoid of food stores, the altitude of brood cells was lower, egg oviposition ceased. Colonies of group II developed weakly in the winter; at the beginning egg drone laying was noted and then oviposition ceased, one queen died. New queens introduced on the same combs laid unfertilized eggs. It may be concluded that a prolonged persistence of Fluwarol in a bee colony causes disturbances in queen oviposition and queen losses.