Wartość żywieniowa tłuszczu występującego w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych pracowników fizycznych nie odpowiadała istniejącym zaleceniom żywieniowym. Zawartość tłuszczu była wyższa od zalecanej o ponad 30%, dostarczając ok. 40% energii w CRP. Udział energii z kwasów niezbędnych (NNKT) w CRP wynosił 2,1%.
Nutritional value of fats in a whole day's rations of persons of workmen's standing, was investigated. Fat content going beyond the recommended limit on an average by 30%, at the fat energy portion being on a level of 38%, was found. Mutual relationship of saturated acids to mono-, and poly-unsaturated acids, was found to depart considerably from that recommended at values: P:S = 0.14, and 2S-P = 29,2. Dominant group was saturated and mono- unsaturated acids. Polyunsaturated acids content was low and amounted up 7% of total fatty acids sum. The content of acids with hypercholesteremic and proaggregative properties was observed to stand several times higher than that of essential fatty acids. The energy portion from essential fatty acids (amounting to 2,16%) was found to be one of the lowest value noted among the population hitherto investigated.