Sześć gatunków roślin wodnych poddano analizie pod kątem zawartości wybranych metali ciężkich (Zn, Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg). Materiał roślinny został zebrany z jezior Suwalskiego Parku Krajobrazowego na przestrzeni lat 1994-1999. Dysponując średnimi stężeniami cynku, miedzi, niklu, ołowiu, i rtęci w wodzie jezior Suwalszczyzny obliczono współczynniki kumulacji tych metali w tkankach badanych hydromakrofitów. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy roślin wodnych można stwierdzić, że jeziora Pojezierza Suwalskiego są zbiornikami o niskim stopniu zanieczyszczenia metalami ciężkimi w porównaniu z innymi regionami Polski.
Six species of water plants: reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Stend.), cattail (Typha sp.), nuphar (Nuphar luteum L.), pond-weed (Potamogetón sp.), water nimfoil (Myriophyllum verticillatum L.) and stoneworts (Chara sp.) have been analysed in order to estimate the content of selected heavy metals (zinc, chrome, cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, mercury). Samples of plants were collected from the lakes of Suwalski Landscape Park in 1994-1999. The average concentration of the analysed metals was not higher than the natural one, except for nickel and chrome. However, the latter was detected only in 9 out of 85 analysed samples which is not sufficient to claim that the accumulation of chrome in tissues of studied plants is exceeded. Using the data concerning the average concentration of zinc, cooper, nickel, lead and mercury in the waters of Suwalszczyzna lakes scientists established the coefficients of accumulation of these metals in tissues of the examined hydromacrophytes. The highest value of this parameter was stated for nickel and chrome, which can imply an increased plant ability to absorb these particular elements. Taking into account plants division into ecological groups, elodeids_accumulate more nickel than helofits. Based on the analysis carried out it has been ascertained that the waters of Suwalski Lake District are natural reservoirs with low degree of pollution by heavy metals, in comparison with other regions of Poland.