Dokonano przeglądu zasobów informacji toksykologicznej w sieci komputerowej Internet w okresie kwiecień-lipiec 1998. Materiał selekcjonowano pod kątem przydatności w toksykologicznych badaniach naukowych oraz w nauczaniu toksykologii na poziomie uniwersyteckim. Zasoby serwerów toksykologicznych podzielono na dwie grupy: funkcjonalną i tematyczną. W obu grupach łącznie wytypowano 15 źródeł najlepiej spełniających założone kryteria.
Internet, the worldwide computer network offers the possibility for direct access to a large number of data and documents which may be very useful in toxicological research and academic toxicological education. During the period of April-July 1998, the review of toxicological information resources on the Internet was made using the standard phone line operated by a PC computer with a modem. Out of 102 electronic sources accessed initially, 15 were finally selected. Resources of the toxicological servers were divided into two groups: functional and thematic. Information about toxicological resources on the network (e.g. URL:, toxicological literature databases (e.g. URL: and toxicological discussion mailing lists (e.g. URL: were included to the first group. The second group included the resources of drug toxicology (e.g. URL:, forensic toxicology (e.g. URL:, pesticide toxicology (e.g. URL: and environmental toxicology (e.g. URL: The offer of University of Illinois in Chicago containing the virtual toxicology clinic (URL: was chosen from among the educational servers.