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Typy zabudowy jednorodzinnej i ich znaczenie dla tworzenia ekologicznego systemu miasta

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Ważnym problemem w planowaniu przestrzennym jest kształtowanie ekologicznego systemu miasta. Funkcje ekologiczne przypisywano terenom otwartym, przeciwstawiając je terenom zabudowanym. Stwierdza się jednak, że niektóre typy terenów z zabudowę jednorodzinną wykazują wyższe walory ekologiczne od obszarów zaliczanych do terenów otwartych. Mogą więc one stanowić element systemu ekologicznego miasta. Warunkiem wysokich walorów obszarów z zabudową jednorodzinną jest duża wielkość działki i właściwy sposób ich zagospodarowania, co może być określone w planie miejscowym.
Ecological functions of the town are usually attributed to the so called green areas as opposed to the housing areas. However, the ecological values of many types of open areas are in reality not so high. Simultaneously, there are many data pointing out to the high values of areas built up with onefamily housing, at any rate for some of their types. To appraise the ecological values, the appraisal of the vegetation values may be used wich is an index of the state of other environmental elements, creates these elements and has its share in creation of a biotope for the fauna. Essential features of the vegetation cover _ apart from the size of the biomass, abundance of species and share of native species is the differentiation of vertical structure (measured by means of the number of layers) and the presence of high trees. From the point of view of creating the microclimate, an essential feature of each type of the area is the character of the active surface (surface exposed to the sun's rays), and particularly the relation of the articifial surfaces to the natural ones. Within the areas of onefamily housing, seven types of the ecological system have been distinguished and called landscapevegetation complexes. In the present research, the areas included to three the most frequent types (onefamily housing on forest plots, on large building plots of suburban character and on small building plots) are compared with some types of so called open areas. The enclosed drawing shows the character of the active surface in various types of the landscape-vegetation complexes. In the areas of onefamily housing, this character is frequently more natural than in some types of open areas. A similar reglarity has been stated in the analysis of the abundance of the vertical structure of vegetation and of the geometrization degree of the landscape. This may be an indication that some types of the onefamily housing may be a valuable element of the ecological system of the town. From this point of view, the size of building plots and the way of their developing is of essential importance. These both features may be designated in the plan of physical development.








Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunalnej, 02-078 Warszawa, ul.Krzywickiego 9


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