Rośliny w warunkach górskich, niezależnie od sposobu siewu, cechowało zmienne w latach plonowanie. Najwyższe plony dały tetraploidalna koniczyna, tymotka i ich mieszanka, a najniższe komonica. Szybciej z runi ustępowały koniczyny, zwłaszcza diploidalna, wolniej komonica. Sposób siewu nic różnicował w istotny sposób plonu białka, pomimo znacznych różnic w jego zawartości. Wyższą efektywnością charakteryzowała się technologia konno-ciągnikowa, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do uprawy roślin motylkowatych w siewie czystym, w II i III roku użytkowania.
III the years 1986 -1989 were conducted field experiments concerning the yielding of fodder plants in mountain areas. Timothy, birdsfoot trefoil and di- and tetraploid red clover, were cultivated in pure stand and in two species mixtures, at the same proportion (50%), The best yielding were reached by tetraploid red clover, timothy and their mixture. The lowest yielding was gained by birdsfoot trefoil grown in pure stand. All clovers especially those of diploid type have been growing in plant community much faster than birdsfoot trefoil. Seed system did not make an influence on the yield of protein, although the contents of protein was differentiated. Energetic input and its effectiveness was depended on year, technology and species selection. The horse—tractor technology was characterized by a higher effectiveness than tractor technology, especially when clovers were growing in pure stand during the second and third utilization years.