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1992 | 16 | 3-4 |

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Problemy bezrobocia na przyjkladzie wojewodztw: warszawskiego i osciennych


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Omówienie najważniejszych przyczyn decydujących o niejednorodności danych dotyczących problemów bezrobocia w Polsce. Istotna trudność w tej materii to kilkakrotnie przeprowadzane zmiany ustawowe dotyczące tego zagadnienia, wprowadzające liczne modyfikacje kryteriów bezrobocia. Stąd też niezmierna trudność w określeniu rzeczywistego rozmiaru bezrobocia. Przedstawienie podstawowych informacji dotyczących sytuacji na rynku pracy w woj. warszawskim (na podstawie danych z końca I kwartału 1992r.) oraz uwzględnienie problemów bezrobocia odnotowanych w województwach ościennych wchodzących w skład makroregionu warszawskiego. Krytyczne odniesienie się do sposobu wykorzystania państwowych funduszy przeznaczonych na przeciwdziałanie i ograniczanie bezrobocia oraz do braku prowadzenia aktywnej polityki wobec bezrobocia, a także dotychczasowych działań w praktyce ograniczających się do pomocy finansowej i socjalnej udzielanej osobom nie pracującym.
The article deals with the most important factors which decide about heterogeneity of the data concerning the unemployment in Poland. An essential difficulty is created by legal changes introduced several times on this subject which brought many modifications as to the criteria of unemployment. Hence, the determination of real extent of unemployment is now extremely difficult. The author presents some basic information concerning the situation at the labour market in the Warsaw voivodship (on the basis of data for the end of the first quarter of 1992). Some problems of unemployment arising in the adjoining voivodships belonging to the Warsaw macroregion have also been taken into account. The situation in the Warsaw voivodship shows the lowest rate of unemployment in all the country accompanied simultaneously by a dynamic development of the labour market. An advantageous situation as to the increase in the number of new jobs is created by a rapid development of the private sector. However, the analysis requires a statement that even in advantageous conditions, it is indispensable to undertake relevant steps to allow the unemployed workers to adapt themselves to the new economic s The present actions are practically limited to the social aid distributed amo people who actually do not work. Statistical data related to unemployment being in possession of the Voivodship Labour cannot give a full picture of the extent of this problem within the Warsaw voivodship. S changes in legal regulations determining the criteria for the definition of an unemployed wor not allow to make a fully reliable analysis of the extension and structure of unemployment. Pi larly important problem arising in the Warsaw voivodship is that of pretended unemployment persons who are entitled to draw the unemployment allowance granted by the state but they av undertake a steady work. The labour market in the Warsaw voivodship is developing rapidl dynamically towards the private sector. The unemployment rate in this voivodship is the lowe as compared to that in all the country. However, a detailed analysis of these data points out fact that also in these conditions a decisive policy is needed, the aim of which should t activation of jobless people. Up to now, the policy in this scope is passive and limited exclui to the social and financial aid given by the state.

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  • Urzad Wojewodzki, pl.Bankowy 3/5, 00-142 Warszawa


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