In four diploid and four tetraploid families correlations were evaluated between resistance to Phytophthora infestans of leaflets, tuber slices and whole tubers as well as correlations between three aspects of resistance and maturity or tuber shape regularity. A virulent P. infestans isolate was used for inoculations. Only in the family D4 a significant positive correlation was found between all the three aspects of resistance. Genotypes with susceptible leaflets and resistant tuber slices were not identified in any family. In some families genotypes with resistant whole tubers and susceptible tuber slices were found; the family D5 was found to have genotypes in which resistance of leaflets was associated with susceptibility of tuber slices. The resistance to P. infestans of leaflets or tuber slices tended to be negatively correlated with both early maturity and regularity of tuber shape.