W latach 1990 - 2006 oceniono pobranie niklu z całodobowymi racjami pokarmowymi osób dorosłych z terenu Lublina. Badania prowadzono metodą analityczną i obliczeniową. Średnie pobranie niklu w grupie kobiet wynosiło od 99 do 133 µg/os/dzień, a w grupie mężczyzn od 130 do 179 µg/os/dzień. Pobranie niklu z dietami nie przekraczało 50% TDI.
Exposure to nickel from adult daily food rations of the Lublin province was estimated by analysis and calculation methods. The study involved 301 women and 207 men diets and was performed in 1990 - 2006 using the technique of dietary record and diet duplicates. The average daily intake of nickel was 99 µg - 133 µg and 130 µg - 178 µg in women and men diets, respectively. The density range of nickel intake was 50,9 - 70,5 µg/4,18 MJ/day. The calculated results being substantially overestimated compared to chemical analysis results. The exposure of adult consumers to nickel was moderate (<50% TDI) and has remained stable.