Praca zawiera ocenę przydatności funkcji wzrostu wymiernej, Korfa i Hugershoffa, do aproksymacji i ekstrapolacji przebiegu wzrostu wysokości jodeł różniącуch się żywotnością. Przebieg wzrostu wysokości jodeł żywotnych i osłabionych najdokładniej aproksymuje funkcja wymierna. Natomiast funkcja Korfa najdokładniej ekstrapoluje wzrost analizowanych jodeł w okresie ich późnego, powolnego wzrostu, w zakresie 10 lat.
The study was carried out on 36 fir trees divided into two groups: vital und weakened. The stand and tree characteristics may be found in the papers published earlier [1, 2]. For the appraisal of approximation and extrapolation of the fir height growth the rational (1), Korf's (2), and Hugershoff's (3) functions were utilized (also compare Fig. I). The parameters of functions were calculated by minimizing the variables' sum of squares according to the Marquardt s algorithm, which is ail intermediate method between the Gauss-Newton's melhod and the method of fastest drop. The accuracy of the approximation of the height growth was determined by the verification of the hypothesis Ho about the variance equality between the actual and approximated growth utilizing the Bartlett's test. In order to determine the accuracy of the extrapolation of the height growth the linear regression and the correlation between the extrapolation range and the absolute errors of the extrapolation were determined. The height growth of the vital (Fig. 2, 3) and the weakened fir trees was most accurately (Tab. I) approximated by the rational function (I). The extrapolation of fir height during the III-rd growth period (Fig. I) (so called period of late slow growth) based on l-st and II-rd period, as well as based on the data from only the II-nd period, was satisfactory when Korf's function (2) was utilized (Tab. 2), The extrapolation of the fir height during the III-rd growth period for the 20-year range based on the data from the I st and the II-nd period, as well as on the data from only the II-nd period was little precise in case of all functions tested. The absolute errors of the extrapolation of the fir height based on the data from the I-st and the II-nd growth period were greater then in case of the extrapolation based on the data from the II-nd period.