Charakterystyka planów przestrzennych w Danii, Finlandii, Francji,Holandnii, Niemczech (RFN), Norwegii, Szwecji, Wielkiej Brytanii i Stanach Zjednoczonych. Aspekty estetyczne w planach miejscowych. Problemy planowania wsi. Decyzje administracyjne. Krytyka planowania przestrzennego - główne problemy.
The article deals with the psyhical planning in Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Germany (FRG), Norway, Sweden, Great Britain and USA. These countries apply - to different degrees and to different extent - the regional plans determined usually as the plans of the structure, and the local plans. In the USA they use the zoning plans only. Different is also the degree of obligatory establishment of plans, as well as their physical extent. Regional plans are directed towards the strategy of economic development in their physical aspect. The plans of the structure determine the general bases for physical development and are usually obligatory only for administrative purposes. Zoning plans precise in a more detailed way the zones as bases for utilization of these areas, for erection of buildings, for transport solutions, as well as for public and green areas. These plans having a regulating function, are obligatory in public relations. This does not concern Great Britain, where the local plans are mainly the plans of actions and their system is rather complicated (three kinds of plans). Special attention has been paid to the aesthetical aspects of the plans which are, generally, taken into account in the local plans and in administrative decisions, particularly in France and in the USA, where this matter became a subject of rule of the Supreme Court. The urbanization processes arising in rural areas incline to a radical change in the attitude of planners in relation to these areas, particularly in Great Britain. Legal instruments for regulation in scope of physical planning are the administrative decisions based on local plans and in case of their absence, on general regulations. The lack of plans is , as a rule, allowable for areas which are already invested. In case of greater investments, the establishment of the local plan is indispensable.Physical planning is a subject of professional and public critical examination, particularly in Great Britain, and the use of these plans is faced with difficulties of various kinds. The source of these difficulties and the subject of criticism are maily: the rigidity of the planning procedure, possibilities and extent of precasts, superfluous details in local plans and conflicts between private and public interests. An essential problem is also an unsatisfactory professional level of the administrative employees.