Metodą absorpcyjnej spektrofotometrii atomowej (ASA) oznaczano zawartość manganu, miedzi, cynku i żelaza w 260 próbkach części jadalnych 35 gatunków i odmian warzyw zebranych lub zakupionych na terenie woj. gdańskiego i elbląskiego w latach 1988 - 1989.
Manganese, cooper, zinc and iron content of edible tubers, roots, root-stocks, fruits, and seeds of vegetables cultivated and available in the period of 1988-1989 at the market in the Province of Gdańsk and Elbląg (northern region of Poland), was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry after fry ashing at 420°C and dissolving in 1 N nitric acid. Results obtained seeds to be typical of the products under investigation. Nevertheless, some results differed somewhat from those reported by other authors with reference to the similar products originating from the central and southern region of the country.