The influence of type of ultrafiltration membrane on yoghurt texture produced with ultrafiltrated (UF) milk was investigated. Goats milk was concentrated with three membranes of the following pore sizes: 10 kDa, 30 kDa and 100 kDa. Ultrafiltration was carried out to complete 2-fold concentration (v/v) of milk. Concentrated milk was used for production of set yoghurt with Chr. Hansen starter culture YC-180. Yoghurt samples were also produced using unaltered milk. The ultrafiltration process had a significant effect on composition of retentates, sensory evaluation of yoghurts, their viscosity and most of their texture parameters. The type of membrane used influenced significantly dry matter, protein, fat and lactose levels as well as acidity of milk retentates. In consequence sensory evaluation scores, viscosity, hardness and cohesiveness of yoghurt gel were also influenced. The size of membranes had a significant effect on ultrafiltration rate.