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1996 | 433 |

Tytuł artykułu

Rola doradztwa rolniczego w wielofunkcyjnym rozwoju obszarow wiejskich


Treść / Zawartość

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The objective of the paper is to answer the question: How could the state agricultural advisory system join realization of strategy of the rural areas multifunctional development? Activity of agricultural advisory centres in the sphere of multifunctional development of rural areas would mostly aim at economical education of country folks, activation of agricultural and non-agricultural branches of economy and it can be represented as: 1. Help country people to obtain higher incomes off their farms as well as help in undertaking other economic activities which would secure additional incomes and therefore multiply financial means in rural areas; 2. Advisory service aimed at development of farmers mutual aid and forming new places of employment; 3. Organization of educational activities which have in view of rural communities leaders, who would contribute to increase of economic and social activities of country people; 4. Advisory service in the sphere of enterprise and marketing of farm products; 5. Participation in working out local programmes of rural area development; 6. Dissemination of innovations of various possibilities of activities in the country.






Opis fizyczny



  • Osrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego, Sielinko


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