The investigations were carried out in laboratory conditions on the PDA medium as well in greenhouse and field conditions on pea cultivar variety Konserwowy. Seeds were inoculated by Ascochyta pinodes and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella. It has been pointed out, that in vitro investigations the seed dressing PB-91 in 100X inhibited the growth of Ascochyta pisi, A. pinodes, P. medicaginis var. pinodella. In greenhouse and fields experiments the seed dressing PB-91 (at the dose of 2 and 3 g per kg of seeds) efficiently limited the seedlings infection by A. pinodes, P. medicaginin var. pinodella and by their mixture and profitably influenced the germination of plants. In field experiments the seed dressing PB-91 inhibited the growth of ascochyta blight of pea on the leaves and pods caused together by A. pinoden and P. medicaginin var. pinodella and in that variant positively influenced on the mass of plants.