The aim of the present investigations was to examine the effects of the states of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism on vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) release under conditions of equilibrated water metabolism as well as of osmotic stimulation, brought about by the dehydration or hypertonic saline administration. The euhydrated and simultaneously hypothyroid rats showed decreased hypothalamic AVP and OT content and somewhat higher but not significant neurohypophysial AVP content. In these animals the raised OT (but not AVP) plasma level has been observed. In hyperthyroid rats drinking tap water ad libitum the neurohypophysial AVP and OT content significantly diminished; plasma OT concentration (but not AVP) was then elevated. The state of osmotic stimulation was the reason of different response of the hypothalamo-neurohypohysial system function in hypo- or hyperthyroid rats. Significant decreases of neurohypophysial AVP and OT content were found in both hypothyroid dehydrated as well as hypothyroid hypertonic saline-treatment rats as compared with hypothyroid euhydrated ones. On the contrary, in the state of hyperthyroidism AVP content in the neurohypophysis distinctly raised in dehydrated and salt-loaded rats; in these last neurohypophysial OT content increased as well. Plasma OT (but not AVP) distinctly diminished in hyperthyroid and simultaneously dehydrated or hypertonic saline injected rats in relation to hyperthyroid control subgroup. Data from the present study suggest that: 1) altered thyroid gland function affects vasopressin and oxytocin release from the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system in the state of equilibrated water metabolism; 2) the state of hypo- or hyperthyroidism modifies the response of AVP-ergic and OT-ergic neurons upon the osmoreceptors/osmodetectors stimulation. It may be sypposed that OT-ergic neurons display greater than AVP-ergic neurons sensitivity upon the thyroid hormone influence.