Zdolność wytwarzania hemolizyn i proteaz może mieć znaczenie w patogenezie zakażeń o etiologii Serratia sp. W pracy wykazano, że bez względu na warunki hodowli wysoki odsetek szczepów rodzaju Serratia wytwarzał enzymy proteolityczne.
For over fifty years Serratia spp. rods have increasingly been isolated from clinical specimens. The isolation has arisen mainly from hospitalised patients. The development of Serratia spp. infections is associated with predisposing factors of patients, occurrence in both natural settings and within the hospital environment and the virulence factors of bacteria. CDM medium with casein sodium salt, gelatine and Skim Milk were used to detect proteolytic properties. Over 95% of analysed strains produced gelatinase. Casein sodium salt was hydrolysed by 89,6% to 93,1% of strains depending on cultivation temperature. Skim Milk was hydrolysed by 78,5% to 84,7% of analysed Serratia spp. Strains. Haemolytic properties of Serratia spp. rods were checked on a solid medium with human and sheep red blood cells at 22,30, and 37°C. The haemolysis of human erythrocytes at 37°C was detected most frequently at 38,2%. There were no significant differences identified when cultivation temperature was observed.