Wide patches of fruiting Carex pulicaris L. (subatlantic element in Polish flora) were found in the Myrico-Salicetum sphagnetosum Pass. 1961 var. Molinia caerulea association, within the wetland area in Western Pomerania (Poland). Field observations included measurements of ground-waters, reaction of soil and seasonally stagnant waters, the height of Molinia caerulea tufts and also floral and phytosociological observations. Microhabitats of Carex pulicaris were tufts formed both by dead and living parts of Molinia caerulea. Artificially regulated level of inundation waters of local rivers had influence on site conditions suitable for Carex pulicaris. Distribution of Carex pulicaris within the area of investigations was connected with Molinia caerulea occurrence.